The Role of Green Relational Capital in Modern Business
Nowadays it has become essential for companies to talk about environmental sustainability and now all entrepreneurs try to introduce a green approach into their business activities.
Relational capital is defined as green when the set of all relationships and networks created between companies, institutions and people is aimed at incorporating, also through exchange and sharing, the concepts of sustainability and creating innovative impacts that respect the environment. .
In innovation processes, in fact, personal and professional relationships can stimulate and support business development thanks also to the consideration of relational capital, which constitutes an indispensable resource to ensure that it produces the desired results.

By involving interested parties it is in fact possible to generate new approaches and innovative methodologies, at the same time improving company performance and making the company more respectful of “ecological” paths: in this way communication is simplified and better cooperation is promoted while values are integrated sustainability, biodiversity and the circular economy.
From this perspective, the collection of data and their sharing becomes fundamental, in order to create trust, shared expectations and long-term corporate credit inside and outside your company.
Obviously it is also important to promote attitudes that are respectful of existing laws and also to promote a social conscience that tends to improve the regulatory sector and promotes a new and growing green conscience among entrepreneurs, facilitating the objective of sustainability alongside that of legitimate profit and of pure business.
To do this we need to continue the awareness-raising work that the European Commission has also developed especially in recent years, introducing limits and objectives and also trying to direct production towards a system that reduces energy consumption and pollution and reduces waste. , recover and recycle all products as much as possible.
But working on relationship capital to make it more attentive to green dynamics also and above all means working together with collaborators and employees, providing them with the tools and training necessary to understand how a company can enrich itself thanks to the adoption of environmentally friendly practices, which they will improve the reputation.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-NL01-KA220-VET-000087087