Work Packages
This work package serves as the overseeing and monitoring entity for all project activities, ensuring the smooth operation of the project in both implementation and financial aspects. Its primary purpose is to maintain effective management and control throughout the project lifecycle.
This includes supervising the execution of tasks, tracking progress, and overseeing financial resources. By providing comprehensive oversight, this work package ensures that the project operates efficiently and achieves its goals effectively.
The “GreenELEMENT State-of-the-Art Report on the Current Situation of Green Business Leadership Key Competences for SME Leaders” will be the key outcome of this WP. Based on desk and field research in the partner countries, the study will be delivered as an electronic eReport.
It will conduct an examination of literature, government publications, educational curricula, and circulars to assess the present state of Green Business Leadership Core Competencies for SME leaders. The eReport will highlight the progress of materials in succeeding WPs, which will impact VET trainers, mentors, coaches, SME leaders, firm owners, CEOs, directors, HR managers, startup founders, and co-founders. With translations in five languages and English, the report will encourage national, European, and international recognition.
GreenELEMENT created curriculum will be unique in that no curriculum has previously been developed with a specific focus on the development of key competencies for SME leaders to effectively manage their businesses in the context of sustainability, environmental awareness, and respect and will be used for the creation of the e-learning platform and for training reasons. In WP3, using the final report from WP1, we will finalize the framework that has been created for the project curriculum. That curriculum will be used for the rest of the activities of the project.
Thus, the creation of the Green Business Leadership Framework will lead to the development of the GreenELEMENT Trainer’s e-Handbook, which will include training content and materials aimed at improving SME leaders and stakeholders’ awareness about the importance of adopting green policies in the business world.
That e-handbook will include:
- A description of the proposed teaching and training methodologies
- explanation and development of the training content as well as teaching materials and activities
- guidelines for VET trainers and SME leaders
After the creation of the curriculum and the e-handbook, the next step will be the creation of an e-learning platform. The e-learning platform will act as the virtual space where SME’s leaders and VET trainers will interact with the e-learning material that will be built in WP2 and WP3. The main goals of the platform development will be:
- to create and deliver newly prepared learning materials.
- to develop and establish a widely recognized online platform that supports and establishes the development of green business key competences and green mindsets among European SME leaders.
The GreenELEMENT educational package comprises materials developed by experts from partner organizations. To ensure its effectiveness and relevance, the package undergoes a pilot-testing process involving VET trainers (1st pilot phase) and SME leaders (2nd pilot phase). These individuals provide valuable feedback on the content and suitability of the package, determining whether it is ready for use or requires further enhancements.
This procedure enhances the validity and reliability of the educational package, leveraging competency, skill, and qualification recognition and validation tools such as Europass and EQF.
In pursuit of these goals, WP4 focuses on the following specific objectives:
- Conduct training sessions for a group of VET trainers, aiming to enhance their knowledge, skills, and key competencies in the green business leadership sector. This training empowers them to effectively convey the importance of green policies to SME leaders and representatives. Additionally, the trainers provide feedback on the content and methodologies of the course during the first pilot testing process.
- Organize training activities for a group of SME leaders, with the aim of improving their knowledge, skills, and key competencies in the green business leadership sector. During this training, the leaders also offer feedback on the developed course content and methodologies as part of the second pilot testing process.
- Create documentation, including one video per training, to serve as supplementary didactic material for the project cause. These materials will be uploaded to the e-learning platform, enhancing the overall learning experience.
Through these steps, the GreenELEMENT project ensures the refinement and enrichment of its educational package, enabling VET trainers and SME leaders to benefit from improved knowledge and competencies in the green business leadership sector.
WP5 is responsible for managing the communication and dissemination strategy of GreenELEMENT. This crucial work package aims to effectively convey the project’s efforts, developed tools, and outcomes to interested parties. It has two primary objectives:
- With the target audience to showcase the project’s work on Green Business Leadership.
- Increasing the knowledge of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders regarding the significance of green policies and practices in achieving long-term sustainability.
- Enhancing the visibility of the GreenELEMENT project’s activities and results beyond the partnership, both during and after the project’s lifecycle.
This involves engaging:
- By ensuring that our project is well-known among target groups and stakeholders at key stages, we can foster broader participation, thereby strengthening the project’s scope and impact.
The communication efforts will highlight the project’s methodology, providing a framework and inspiration for future activities that can benefit organizations and individuals not directly involved in the project at various levels: institutional, local, regional, national, and global. Moreover, these efforts will demonstrate the project’s influence in critical domains and key performance indicators (KPIs), ensuring high program quality.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-NL01-KA220-VET-000087087